Our team

Dr. Detlef Kröger

Business mediator gwmk
Criminal defense lawyer (0176 70803522-24h/7d)


Dr. Detlef Kröger was Chairman of the Management Board and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of a stock corporation with subsidiaries, each of which were market leaders, and Managing Partner of a former Mannesmann subsidiary. He has made a name for himself as an efficient consultant in business law and strategy development. He is also a member of the supervisory board. He is trusted by renowned companies.

He is also an experienced criminal defense lawyer who works nationwide. In addition to commercial criminal law, he also defends clients in organized crime, murder and other capital crime proceedings. He also acts as counsel for joint plaintiffs in sexual offenses. His cases have been reported in Spiegel, Bild, FAZ, Stuttgarter Zeitung and on TV such as RTL.

Special projects

Dr. Kröger advises real estate companies on innovative future projects such as city 3.0 and innovative energy supply. He worked for the Deutsch-Asiatischer Wirtschaftskreis e.V. for many years. He has also advised an African country. Dr. Kröger has also accompanied EU legislative procedures.


Dr. Detlef Kröger studied commercial law at the University of Osnabrück and graduated with the 1st state examination. He completed his legal clerkship at the District Court of Ulm and graduated with the 2nd state examination. He was an assistant at the University of Osnabrück and the TU Chemnitz. His doctoral thesis on “Freedom of Information and Copyright Law” was awarded summa cum laude. Dr. Kröger has completed training in systemic coaching, business mediation (gwmk), Harvard negotiation training and international tax law.


Dr. Kröger has taught at the following universities, among others: University of Cologne, University of Ulm, University of Osnabrück, Chemnitz University of Technology, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Lingen University of Applied Sciences, BA Glauchau. Numerous book publications: including Handbuch zum Internetrecht (2nd ed.), Handbuch IT in der Verwaltung, Rechtshandbuch eGovernment, Handbuch B2B-Plattformen, Informationsfreiheit und Urheberrecht, Religionsfriede als Voraussetzung für den Weltfrieden. He has also published a large number of specialist articles in legal journals. He publishes the book series “Recht schnell erfasst” and “Wirtschaft schnell erfasst” with Springer Verlag.

Prof. Dr. Beate

Notary (ret.)

Denise Feldner

M. B. L.